Slow Cooked Pork in Apple Cider

As you know, I love my slow cooker. Ahem, my two slow cookers... and I use them very regularly. One thing I haven't really tried to cook in them is pulled pork. Pulled pork is everywhere! It came out of nowhere and now you see pulled pork sandwiches in shops, pulled pork on restaurant menus, ready to eat pulled pork in supermarkets and so on. I have eaten pulled pork and enjoyed it, so it was about time I made some! Pork and apple are a classic combination, so it seemed a good place to start. I used to make a pork and cider casserole quite often (note to self- must resurrect that recipe this winter!), so that seemed that a good flavour combination to go with. I used the eating apples that I had to hand, to add more apple flavour to the cider. They were Gala apples, and if you prefer things quite sweet, then go with that. I prefer the more "appley" flavour of a slightly more tart variety. If that's you, then go for Pink Lady or Granny Smith. As far as the Cider itself ...