Mango and Coconut Loaf Cake with Lime Drizzle

Mango and Coconut Loaf Cake with Lime Drizzle- a moist, yellow loaf cake made with leftover ripe mango and desiccated coconut and then drizzled with lime juice.

We have been buying a lot more fruit lately, partly because it's summer, and there's so much more to choose from, and also as part of my husband's Slimming World diet. The trouble with having so much lovely fresh fruit around, is that you have to keep on top of what needs eating and by when. I'm a pro with whizzing up something with bananas on the turn (Look here if you need ideas for banana recipes- Banana Recipes), but mango? kiwi? Not so much.

So when I noticed that a mango had gone a bit wrinkly, I wasn't sure what to do with it. Mango makes me think tropical, so I immediately thought coconut. I wondered if I just mashed the mango, whether it would work in the same way as banana in a cake, and it did!

The cake is a gorgeous deep yellow when you slice through it. It has a lovely texture too. I thought a lime drizzle would top of the tropical flavours and I'm glad I added it. It really finishes it off beautifully.

If you don't have any mangoes on the turn, you can use the bags of frozen mango, as long as you defrost it first. As long as it's really soft, ripe mango, it will work. If you don't have limes handy for the drizzle, bottled lime juice will work perfectly well.

Mango and Coconut Loaf Cake


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