Large Victoria Sponge Cake

Large Victoria Sponge Cake- a recipe for a classic Victoria Sponge with whipped cream, using 9 inch cake tins. This recipe will give you 12, thick slices of cake.

Large Victoria Sponge cake on a white plate, with one slice cut out.

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Every, single year (except one), my husband requests Victoria Sponge cake for his birthday. It's his absolute favourite cake and he's now started requesting it for our anniversary! I don't mind too much; it's pretty much the perfect cake. Light vanilla sponge, whipped cream and strawberry jam make it a very safe bet when you're choosing a cake. I'm not a fan of buttercream being used as a filling for Victoria Sponge, personally. I find it makes the cake far too sweet when paired with the jam.

This recipe is for a large, 9 inch Victoria sponge, just the size when you need enough for 12 people. It will provide pretty generous slices at that number, so you could even squeeze a couple of extra slices out of it, if you need to.

Close up of a cut Victoria Sponge


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