Mocha Cupcakes

Mocha cupcakes- cupcakes with a light mocha sponge and chocolate icing on top. Perfect for afternoon tea or parties. It's that time of year again at work (parents' evening) where I try to do my bit and provide cake for all the teachers doing a 12-13 hour day. It's amazing how much a little bit of cake can cheer you up when you're exhausted and feel like you've talked the hind leg off a donkey! So far, over the years, I have made blueberry doughnut muffins, lime and coconut cupcakes , chocolate brownie cupcakes and lemon drizzle cupcakes . I spent a while pondering what flavours to do this time and finally settled on Mocha cupcakes. I'm a bit of a funny fish with coffee things. I don't really like coffee as a drink. I would choose tea every time, given the chance! An occasional latte is about my limit. However, when it comes to coffee flavoured things, I'm straight in there! Coffee truffles, coffee ice cream, coffee cake- all winners for me. Part of lov...