Beginner's Guide to Pinterest for Food Bloggers

So you've started your food blog, and you're whipping up delicious recipes and posting them for the world to read and make at home. You've got a Facebook page, you're tweeting and starting to get some followers and page views from both. You know that Pinterest is the place for foodies but you just don't know how to get started. Maybe you have a personal account that you use a little, or even a lot, but you're wondering how to you use it for promoting your blog? Well if that sounds like you, then I may be able to help a little. I have been where you are, when I started a year ago, and it took me a while to get to grips with Pinterest for my blog, even though I was very confident in using it personally.

I learnt a lot about Pinterest from other bloggers, getting some good advice and some bad, as well as learning from trial and error along the way. There are a lot of guides out there for Pinterest, but I could have done with one that was directed at food blogging specifically, and one aimed at people new to blogging. Hopefully these tips will save you a lot of time and effort!


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