Blueberry Duffins (Doughnut Muffins)

Blueberry Duffins- soft, doughnut-style muffins laced with fresh blueberries. Delicious as a breakfast treat or with a cup of tea.

3 Blueberry duffins on a white and silver plate surrounded by fresh blueberries

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When I go out for a cuppa with friends, I always veer towards something chocolatey or cinnamony to go with it. Chocolate muffin, thumbs up, cinnamon swirl, I'm in. I hardly ever choose a blueberry muffin, but I don't know why as they are completely delicious!

I made Blueberry doughnut muffins as the alternative option to lime and coconut cupcakes (recipe Lime and Coconut Cupcakes) for colleagues last week. The blueberry ones disappeared very quickly, with only one coming home with me! I made them with lots of fresh blueberries. I'm sure that means that you could eat them for breakfast... fruit, yes?

I would definitely make them again. The recipe is an easy adaptation of my strawberry duffin recipe.

Bueberry duffin batter in a bowl and freshly cooked duffins on a plate


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