Hot Cross Bun Cupcakes

Hot Cross Bun Cupcakes- all the flavour of a traditional hot cross bun in a cupcake- cinnamon, ginger, mixed spice and raisins. Easy to make treats for Easter. How much do you love Hot Cross Buns? They're a real seasonal treat (although seasonal for Easter seems to start straight after Christmas now!) There are so many varieties these days, chocolate, apple, ginger etc. I love the apple ones personally, if I'm veering from the traditional. So, I thought, why not add Hot Cross Bun Cupcakes to the mix? My Hot Cross Bun Cupcakes have all the spice and flavour of a hot cross bun, but with a cake base. They have a plain cupcake base with the hot cross bun spices and raisins added. The spices make the cake taste almost as though it's been made with wholemeal flour. I tend to go heavier on the cinnamon than the other spices, because I love that flavour more than the others, but you can play with the balance of spices however you prefer. So if you've had enough of all the Easte...